the why

behind the patch

Vitamin D3, we all need it

Vitamin D3 is normally produced in response to sunlight exposure, but not always in large enough quantities.

Most people are vitamin D3 deficient

Today, in the USA, over 50% of the population, both male and female, has a vitamin D deficiency*. That number is much greater within malabsorber populations, such as cystic fibrosis patients, bariatric surgery patients, and osteoporosis patients

Vitamin D3
helps support


Healthy Teeth


Stronger Bones


Immune Function

What is malabsorption?

Some people cannot adequately absorb oral vitamin D3 supplements. Others don’t absorb enough from the supplements due to a compromised digestive tract. The absorbD3 patch solves that.

The Malabsorber Community

People like you benefitting from the absorbD3 patch

Jae T, 71

I’m a 71 year old woman.  I have been using the vitamin d patches since 2017. I have a genetic history of osteoporosis and currently diagnosed with osteopenia. I have only recently tested to have ‘normal’ vitamin d level test results per the medical lab but my internal medicine doctor says it needs to be at least 50. I have started wearing two patches. I have some history of spine surgery and cervical injury from a long ago car accident. I really don’t want my levels to be any lower because it increases my health risk.

I also have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer and if chemo is recommended then the bone loss become an even bigger issue. I am so happy to have the d available to me by patch because from day to day you don’t know when your d levels become an issue in your healthcare. It is very hard to absorb d in oral supplements. I’ve taken d for most of my adult life and still my levels are half what they should be. They are finally increasing with the patch!  My mother ended her life with osteoporosis and in pain, had broken bones and was on nasty meds with many side effects in order to reduce her bone loss. I want my life to end up better than hers. I am so thankful for this opportunity to absorb vitamin d the way it was intended--through the skin. An added benefit for me is that I feel like my mood has become more stable.

You can trust the patch.